Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know about Uniquely Knitted

What is Uniquely Knitted?

Uniquely Knitted is a registered non-profit organization dedicated to providing research, education, and emotional support to people suffering from infertility, miscarriage, and loss. ❤️

What does Uniquely Knitted Do?

Uniquely Knitted serves the infertility community in 3 ways, Research, Education, and Support.

Research | Through a partnership with Chapman University in California, Uniquely Knitted aims to be the global leader of Infertility research in the category of mental health and psychology. Making groundbreaking research available to therapists, patients, and all who struggle with infertility.

Education | Reliable, helpful information about the emotional toll of infertility can be challenging to find. Uniquely Knitted aims to provide insightful interviews with psychologists to practical advice on building resilience based largely on cutting edge research, We hope to stand at the forefront of infertility and mental health education.

Support | Uniquely Knitted offers virtual process groups. Process Groups are more than traditional support groups. They’re distinct groups of people with shared trauma who come together under the direction of a trained facilitator for a set number of sessions with specific objectives and outcomes.

As Uniquely Knitted grows we seek to offer more individual and group support.

Why is Uniquely Knitted a Non-Profit?

Simply put... Uniquely Knitted exists as a non-profit because we do not want to "make money" off people suffering from infertility. We aim to bring the community into the struggles of infertility, partnering with donors to provide excellent care for people suffering.

Why do you charge sign up fees?

Sign up fees help Uniquely Knitted cover a small fraction of the cost of groups. They ensure the stability and reliability of the process groups.

Process Groups

Everything you need to know about our Process Groups

What are Process Groups?

Process Groups are a well-defined, highly successful mental health treatment in the psychological world that until now have not existed for the infertility community.

Process Groups help us work through our emotions and deal with hard things. They help us heal from trauma and find validation for our experiences.

Process groups are facilitated and follow a more structured path. Each person in the group will have designated time to share, be heard, and receive encouragement.

What makes the Uniquely Knitted Process Groups special is that each of our facilitators have experienced infertility and there are hours of videos to help us understand the language of connection and resilience.

This combination creates a safe environment to truly process what you have been through.

What's the difference of a support group and a process group?

Process groups differ from traditional support groups in that they are facilitated and structured to provide space for emotional exploration using a shared language of connection.

Both process and support groups offer valuable support, but their focus and level of structure differ.

What exactly do we do in a group? Give me the logistics!

We love logistics. Here is what you need to know!

All groups are virtual

We meet for 6 weeks with the same people at the same time

There are videos to watch each week and weekly meetings

We meet for 1 hour the first week and 2 hours every other week

All groups are led by a trauma informed facilitators

You will be emailed the Zoom link a week before we meet

There is nothing to prepare for the first meeting. It’s a get to know you night.

Who can join a group?

Our process Groups are open to ANYONE who has had experience with infertility. No matter if you are in the early stages of trying and figuring things out, or if you feel like you are at the end and ready to move on to whats next.

Here is a list of things people have been dealing with in our groups!

Trying to get pregnant
Testing to figure things out
Medicated Cycles
Every type of ART treatment
Every type of Donor Conceived option
Late term pregnancy loss
Loss at every stage
Embryo transfers
Every type of medical issue that effects fertility
Male Factor Infertility
Pregnancy after infertility
Secondary Infertility
Living a childless life not by choice
Adoption after infertility
The stress of infertility
Depression and infertility
Relationship stress and infertility
And so much more!

The Uniquely Knitted process groups are for everyone! Everyone needs to process their emotions and experience with infertility and these groups are a place where you can do that.

We are united by our grief but we are not uniform in our experiences.

Are the groups open to Men and Women?

YES! Infertility effects men and women! Many men experience male factor infertility and many people go through infertility as a couple.

Processing together can be hugely beneficial. Men are always welcome in our groups.

We hope our groups mirror community, that is why they are open to all people.

If my partner joins do I have to pay two registration fees?

Nope! The registration fees covers you individually and your partner, if they choose to join you.

Could someone be Pregnant in my group?

It is possible. Our groups are designed for every stage of infertility. Sometimes that means people will get news that they are pregnant.

Sometimes that means people will be process their years of infertility while being pregnant.

Our promise is that these groups will be a safe place to process your feelings about all of it. There will not be surprise announcements, and we will handle the subject with the utmost care.

We know that being around pregnancy when you are struggling to get pregnant is triggering and painful. We also hope that everyone who wants to get pregnant will get pregnant. We also think that processing infertility is so important for your mental health.

We do our best to hold all these realities together while we process our experiences.

If you have ANY questions or thoughts, please reach out!

What if I get pregnant before or during the group?

We honestly hope that happens! ❤️ More than anything we hope that happens.

If it does, you have two options. Stay in the group, or leave the group. If the group has not started you are more than welcome to a full refund. If you are in the group, we deeply encourage you to stay in the group and process through your feelings about getting pregnant. It's an important part of processing infertility!

We feel that the traumas of infertility don't ever just "go away" when you get pregnant. There is still so much to think through, feel, and process.

The group facilitator is there to help navigate all of that!

What if I have kids and I am joining because of secondary infertility?

Secondary Infertility is hell. We are so sorry. đź’”

Your experience and your story deserves to be seen and understood. Many people have joined our groups with secondary infertility.

One thing to note! For the sake of other members in our group please have no children in the room with you or be parenting in the back ground of our meetings.

Do you have a refund policy?

Yes! You can receive a full refund anytime before the start of the second meeting.

What if I don't feel like I have been through enough to join a group?

We see you. It can be hard to think we deserve to be seen and cared for. There are a lot of things that get's in the way of us joining a group like this.

Sometimes we don't think we have done enough in the infertility world to join a process group. Sometimes we can convince ourselves that others have it worse than us.

Please know this, these groups are for EVERY experience of infertility. You deserve to be cared for.

How do I get ready for the group?

You can do this! Just make sure you have some good wifi and we can see your face. Our first session is just a get to know you.

How much will I need to speak in the group?

This being a process group we do a lot of processing. With that bring said we never force anyone anyone to share if they don’t want too.

We do encourage everyone to share their experience with infertility during one of our weeks that we meet.

What is the time commitment of the group?

We have weekly meetings for 6 weeks. The first meeting is on hour and every meeting after that is a lot 2 hours.

We also have videos and a workbook that you do on your own time. That will take about 1 hour a week.

Are the groups faith based?

We realize that infertility deeply impacts our faith. However, these groups are not faith based. The groups are grounded in developmental psychology and attachment theory.

However, for many people, faith is something that needs to be processed. We encourage everyone to process their faith if it needs to be processed!

Who leads the groups?

Jesse, Kelly, Krista, Natalie, and sometimes Doug lead groups. We are trauma informed facilitators and have experienced infertility in some capacity.

What are trauma informed facilitators?

Uniquely Knitted Process Group Facilitators play an important role in nurturing meaningful connections and guiding the group’s emotional journey.

They carefully manage group dynamics, fostering a space where members feel comfortable to share their feelings and emotions without the influence of the facilitator’s personal views.

The goal of the facilitator is to create a safe, non-judgmental, and supportive environment that encourages individuals to process their personal experiences.

Throughout the six-week program, they lead the group on a transformative journey of self-discovery and resilience-building where each participant’s distinct journey with infertility is acknowledged and honored.

The facilitators bring not only specialized training in trauma but also their own personal encounters with infertility.

Can I join from anywhere?

Yes! All you need is good wifi. We have had group members from 8 different countries all over the world.

Just make sure to line up the times correctly. We are in California and all the times are in California Time Zone.

Are the groups worth it? Be honest!

We think they are. We will be honest, MANY people say that they life changing.

These groups are an opportunity to be validated in what you have been through. Its a safe place to process and heal from trauma. It’s a moment to get what you emotionally need.

The research points to the fact that group processing is a helpful way to address the anxiety, depression, and loneliness of infertility.

Does Uniquely Knitted offer anything else besides groups?

Uniquely Knitted is growing quickly and we are excited to continue to offer ground breaking research, quality education, and life changing support.

We currently are working with Chapman University to study the impact of infertility on Men.

We are also working on a Unique Coaching Program as well as building an individual therapy community.  

If you have any questions about Uniquely Knitted please reach out!

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